Too often, diversity, equity, and inclusion are misunderstood and making commitments to diversify an underrepresented workforce is viewed as unnecessary, but in Erie County we are committed to elevating the conversation and starting a fact-based dialogue.

It is a fact that trade jobs traditionally lack diversity. For example, BIPOC workers continue to face large disparities in the construction industry. In fact, only 6.3% of the American construction workers are Black. Here in Erie County, it is even worse – only 1.8% of construction workers are Black.

These statistics reflect the need for an investment in strategic partnerships and training for young BIPOC who want to become skilled laborers — one of Diverse Erie’s transformational investment pillars. The statistics speak for themselves, and we must all do our part to help elevate the conversation around inequity, and how it effects BIPOC in our communities, not diminish it.


The right teachers are the starting point for a quality educational experience for all students, but BIPOC students face a unique challenge that they rarely engage with educators who look like them. Studies show a representative teacher workforce can inspire and improve outcomes for BIPOC students. Data shows that a disproportionate majority of educators are white.

Diverse Erie is committed to ensuring BIPOC students attend college and that some of those students train to become elementary, middle, and high school teachers — meaning they must receive the necessary college and career preparation, training, and support to someday be hired by one of thirteen school districts in the county of Erie, Pennsylvania.

For all students, teachers representing diverse racial backgrounds are associated with:

Programs to advance equity and address the public health crisis in Erie County are being developed now. Join us today to get information as these opportunities become available.