OPPORTUNITY INVESTING ENGAGE ABOUT RESOURCES Generational Impact Grant Application Please fill out the application completely until you see the submit button. If you can’t complete all at once, you can revisit the application by clicking on the link in your email. "*" indicates required fields Step 1 of 5 - Project Information 20% Project InformationProject Title*Character Limit: 250Name of applicant's organization*Character Limit: 250Applicant's Personal Phone Number*Email* Brief project summary*Please provide a short (two or three sentence) executive summary about your project. What do you hope to accomplish? Character Limit: 300 Amount Requested from Diverse Erie*The minimum grant offered is $100,000, and the maximum grant is $500,000. Character Limit: 20 Eligibility CriteriaIdentify Your Business*Select all that apply 501(c)(3) For profit business entity Nonprofit organization (not 501(c)(3) exempted) CDFI (Community Development Financial Institution) SBIC (Small Business Investment Company) approved entity All must apply in order to be eligible.*Applicant is (check all that apply): Headquartered in Erie County, PA In good standing with Diverse Erie's reporting requirements to date In good standing with the IRS and state and local taxing bodies Select AllIneligible Primary OrganizationsIf an organization is one of the following, they cannot apply: A state or federal park An airport or transportation facility A healthcare or long-term care facility A public safety organization or facility, including volunteer fire departments Primary Organization InformationName of applicant's organization*Character Limit: 250Municipality in which applicant's headquarters is located*Character Limit: 250County Council District in which headquarters is located County Council District #1 County Council District #2 County Council District #3 County Council District #4 County Council District #5 County Council District #6 County Council District #7 Click here to see a County Council District map. Please provide your internet and social media addressesStaff/Volunteer Leadership*List or upload a list of the names, email addresses, and titles of the organization's leadership and key staff.Staff/Volunteer Leadership FileMax. file size: 1 MB.Board of Directors*If primary applicant is a 501(c)(3), municipal authority, CDFI, or SBIC approved entity, list or upload a list of current board of directors, including email addresses and occupations.Board of Directors FileMax. file size: 1 MB.Elected Officials*If primary applicant is a municipality, list or upload a list of current elected officials (supervisors, mayor, councils). Include email addresses.Elected Officials FileMax. file size: 1 MB. Project NarrativeGeographic, Programmatic, and Demographic Focus & Approach*Describe the geographic area to be served. Describe your programmatic focus. Describe how you will provide assistance to demographic groups or classes that have been disproportionately impacted during the pandemic or which have historically faced barriers to entrepreneurship. What are your organization's strengths and how will your organization use them to assist entrepreneurs? Character Limit: 5000Project Location and Property Ownership/Site Control*If you have or will have a physical location for services or training, where will the entrepreneur center or programming be located? Please list the name and address of the property owner(s). If the applicant has a lease, please provide details. Character Limit: 2000Detailed project description.*What are you trying to accomplish? Will this be a phased project? What equipment will be provided to the public? Please provide adequate details. Character Limit: 10000Accessibility*Describe how the public (entrepreneurs and small business owners) will be able to access your center and/or programming. What is the process? How will you market it? How will you staff it? Who will supervise your project? Character Limit: 8000Community Engagement and CollaborationDescribe how you plan to engage the public so that everyone from prospective entrepreneurs to existing businesses will be aware of your services? Do you have examples of marketing and promotional materials? How will you communicate and collaborate with the other entrepreneur centers or initiatives? Character Limit: 8000Mission Driven Non-profit*Describe how your entrepreneur program fulfills your organization's mission and how it fits into the region's economic development picture. Character Limit: 4000Describe the need for the proposed project.*Please describe what you feel are the needs of the innovation and entrepreneur community relative to your proposal. Did you conduct surveys or prepare an analysis? Please provide detail. You may upload documents in the last section of the application if necessary. If this is a continuation or expansion of an existing entrepreneur center or similar open lab, please describe the feedback you have received and how you plan to address it through your proposal. Character Limit: 10000Describe the project goals and anticipated results.*How many entrepreneurs do you project to assist over the course of your program? Character Limit: 8000Describe the project timeline with key milestones and dates.*Character Limit: 8000Describe the planning process and how the public was involved.If the public has not been involved, please describe why and how you plan to present your project to the public. If you are expanding a Beehive, how did you engage users to refine and improve your operations? Character Limit: 10000Describe past project management experience and the ability of your team to complete the project.*Describe your management team. Who will manage day to day operations, administration, public engagement, etc.? Please attach CVs or resumés. Character Limit: 5000Managment CVs or ResumésMax. file size: 3 MB.Job Creation*Please provide an estimate for the nature and number of jobs created and the permanent, post-construction jobs anticipated. Character Limit: 8000Describe support for the project within the community.*You may upload letters of support below. Character Limit: 8000Project Budget*Character Limit: 2000Budget FilesMax. file size: 1 MB.Name of the person who prepared the budget First Last Describe the amount and source of matching funds. Have they been secured or requested?**Character Limit: 2000How will you measure the success or effectiveness of your proposed project?*Will evaluation be ongoing? How will you structure surveys or feedback platforms? How will you share feedback with other entrepreneur centers, initiatives, or relevant community leaders? Please note, applicants without sufficient plans to evaluate effectiveness of programs may receive reduced awards. Character Limit: 5000 Additional DocumentsMost Recent Annual Report or Year End Review*If your annual report is to large to transmit through the grant system, you must contact Diverse Erie.Max. file size: 3 MB.Current General Liability Insurance Certificate*Max. file size: 1 MB.Organization LogoMax. file size: 1 MB.Additional Supporting DocumentsMax. file size: 2 MB.Additional Supporting DocumentsMax. file size: 2 MB.Additional Supporting DocumentsMax. file size: 2 MB.CommentsThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. 1128 State Street, Suite 300Erie, PA 16501 814-602-3043 dmitchell@eriedeic.org